If the hive is a 5-hr drive away, is it still local honey? |
I want to keep offering Marty Hardison's book, The Appropriate Beehive, free on 303beekeeper.com, but paying for the 303beekeeper domain name just so I can give away his book doesn't make sense. All beekeeping is local, and a more appropriate URL for me right now would be 703beekeeper.
My domain registrar says a 9% price increase is coming, so I switched to CloudFlare, which is free but still cost me $9.77. 😕 After blogging for 15 years, I've only just learned that there is no such thing as a free domain name. Everyone with a .com domain has to pay Verisign and ICANN fees, currently $9.59+ $0.18, respectively. The only way to have zero cost is to give up the custom domain and revert to the Blogger platform's free URL, which is bbhb.blogspot.com.
If you want to own the URL 303beekeeper.com, just leave a comment. If you contact me before 303 Day, I will transfer ownership to you, free of charge.