February 23, 2011


Mason Bee Chalet by BeeDiverse
USABirdSupply mails out the cutest voucher. On it, a Blue Orchard Bee says, "We'll 'Bee' there soon!" while siblings peer out from their nesting tubes.

The chalet is a surprisingly thick wooden structure, while the nest itself is 75% corn. I'm assuming the remaining 25% is plastic, resin, or some sort of binder that's nonbreathing. I lined each tube with "the sacred parchment." That's what BB calls regular white baking parchment, because from braises to bread, all manner of goodies are made using it in our kitchen. In any case, it'll absorb excess moisture so the cocoons don't mold.

This bee house came with a green predator guard, but you can save $5 and buy a house without one. It comes with hardware attached so it's ready to hang. We're anxious for the cocoons to arrive, so we won't have a Spring without bees. When the cocoons do arrive, I'll show you what they look like up-close. Stay tuned...


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